Journal of Administrative Science 2024-08-13T02:45:49+08:00 Assoc. Prof. Dr Suseela Devi Chandran| Open Journal Systems <p>The <strong>Journal of Administrative Science (JAS)</strong> (e-ISSN: 2600-9374) is an open-access international refereed journal. Journal of Administrative Science will be accepting research papers in <strong>humanities and social sciences </strong>. JAS is indexed in <strong>MyCite, MyJurnal &amp; Google Scholar</strong>.</p> <p><em><strong>Important Notice!</strong></em></p> <p>The journal is currently migrating from official website of Journal of Administrative Science (JAS) server to UiTM's server. Please submit your new or revised submission by using this website.</p> <p>To view and download JAS articles from our older issues (April 2024 and older), please click <a href=""><strong>HERE</strong></a>.</p> Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution (as amended) is unique in many important respects. Among others, it was conceived and expressly written by the military. This no doubt raises quite significant epistemological issues and problems of concern in political and leg 2024-08-07T04:13:28+08:00 Adebayo T. Salami <p>Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution (as amended) is unique in many important respects. Among others, it was conceived and expressly written by the military. This no doubt raises quite significant epistemological issues and problems of concern in political and legal theories. The constitution clearly indicates that the responsibility of the legislature is primarily law-making and therefore has contained in it clear provisions and references. There are however, quite polemical issues and problems arising from the passage of the yearly Appropriation Bill into law. The paper concerns itself with these polemical issues and problems. Consequently, what are these issues and problems? Why are, or what and what make the issues and problems polemical? How can these issues and problems be resolved? And what relationships in theory and practice, that can be formulated between the resolution of these issues and problems and democratic political stability in Nigeria? The approach of the paper includes a critical examination and analysis of the contentious arguments and debates in legal and political theories with respect to the role of the military in constitution drafting in transitional societies. It further includes the discussion and evaluation of the aspects of the constitution relating to the control of public funds. Finally, it provides recommendations on the reform of the administrative and political processes and procedures relating to the exercise of power and control of public funds and monies within the framework of the constitution as a way of reducing and eliminating the contentions between and among the organs of government especially between the executive and legislature.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adebayo T. Salami A Critical Assessment of Pre-Election Administration on Nomination of Candidates in 2019 Elections in Nigeria 2024-08-07T04:51:39+08:00 Adekola Abdulazeez Alao Nurudeen Sikiru Lanre <p>As important as election to democracy is, election administration for a credible election result is equally germane. Election administration becomes a critical focus of scholars and stakeholders in election. It is unfortunate that Nigeria’s 2019 nomination of candidates in the pre-election administration environment was heralded with tensions, accusations and counter-accusations, irregularities, violence, trade of blames by the ruling and major opposition parties, maladministration among other related issues. It is against this backdrop that this study attempts to examine and analyse nomination of candidates in the pre-election administration of 2019 elections in Nigeria, examine how the stakeholders in election administration have performed in this area. The secondary method of data collection was adopted for the study. The study relies on the theory of political participation and social justice theory. The paper adopts qualitative approach, using descriptive and content analysis to analyse the data obtained. The paper argues that nomination of candidates in the pre-election administration of 2019 election in Nigeria were heralded with a number of irregularities. The paper concludes that some of the shortcomings usually associated with the previous pre-election administration on nomination of candidates in Nigeria are also identified with that of 2019 elections. The identified challenges on the nomination of candidates in the pre-election administration of 2019 elections are discussed and policy options provided.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adekola Abdulazeez Alao, Nurudeen Sikiru Lanre Voters’ Confidence and Good Governance in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis of 2015 and 2019 Presidential Elections 2024-08-07T05:24:53+08:00 Abdulrazaq Idowu Amao Abdulrauf Ambali Akeem Araba <p>Nigeria has undergone the two faces of electoral integrity: the good and the bad. For the avoidance of doubt, Nigerian elections between 1999 and 2007 were generally rated to be lacking in integrity. This may have accounted for the low quality of governance in Nigeria during those periods. It is against this background that this study set out to examine the relationship between voters’ confidence and good governance in Nigeria. The study used (mixed method) both primary and secondary sources of data collection. For the primary source of data a well-structured questionnaire and closed ended interview were conducted. A total of 1200 questionnaires were administered in three states (Kwara, Ekiti and Rivers) in three different geo-political zones in Nigeria. And a total of forty-five interviewees/people were interviewed in the three states. On a face to face and well structure interview. Both qualitative and quantitative method of data analysis was used. The study uses Principal Agency theory. The study finds out that there is significant contribution of Voters’ Confidence to Good governance in Nigeria. The study concluded that there is a significant contribution of Voters’ Confidence in the achievement of Good governance in Nigeria. And the study have also made it clear that for any nation to achieve good governance, it has to improve the Voters’ Confidence in the electoral process of the country.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdulrazaq Idowu Amao, Abdulrauf Ambali, Akeem Araba Quality Performance of Rapid Bus Operation in Georgetown, Penang 2024-08-07T06:02:26+08:00 Fazeera Zul’ Azman Nurul Afizah Nadzri Junaida Ismail Intan Syahriza Azizan <p>Service quality is an evaluation of how well a delivered service fulfilled client's expectations. The theory of “service quality” depends on several factors. This study, the researchers have relied on SERVQUAL attributes which comprise reliability, responsiveness, empathy, tangible and assurance. An overview concerning poor service quality provided by Rapid Bus has lessen the confidence of users to use public bus in Georgetown, Penang. In accordance with problems arise mentioned, seven main objectives were determined to analyze level of service quality in this empirical study. Since the sample size is large, this research has been conducted using non probability sampling technique. Also, cross-sectional survey has been applied to collect data from 417 respondents. The data acquired was evaluated by using correlation and regression technique. This indicator is a proper tool to determine service quality by taking respondents' expectations and perceptions on service quality offer. Additionally, the arrangement of questionnaire consists of Section A (demographic of respondents), Section B (service quality) and Section C until G (SERVQUAL). In this study, the main finding views that responsiveness is the most dominant dimension which affects service quality of Rapid Bus in Georgetown, Penang.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fazeera Zul’ Azman, Nurul Afizah Nadzri, Junaida Ismail, Intan Syahriza Azizan Organizational Loyalty: A Study in Relation to Ethical Accountability and Public Trust in Local Government 2024-08-07T06:48:45+08:00 Nor Zaini Zainal Abidin Mohd Kasri Saidon Azni Syafena Andin Salamat <p>Organizational loyalty in public services not been discussed frequently since the position of public officers are determined by pensionable employment and public service regulation. Loyal bureaucrats is seldom been questioned and least studies were done to acknowledge the issue. Organizational loyalty as one of ethical value embedded within the sphere of ethical practices. In line with this, the performance of local government in service delivery frequently raised public concern in which some of the services have not been effectively performed. In this sense, one of the key factors in sustaining and maintaining local government performance for any organization is by establishing loyalty. Based on this scope, the organizational loyalty is believednto have connection with public trust. Beside that, organizational loyalyu also can be considered as public service commitment in delivering services. This research focuses on the impact of civil servants inner or inside value of organizational loyalty in relation to service delivery in local government. Several local authorities in Peninsular Malaysia was chosen and a set of questionnaire was distributed to 608 of some selected respondents. Our findings shows that loyalty has significantly mediated accountability and public trust in local government as service provider.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Zaini Zainal Abidin, Mohd Kasri Saidon, Azni Syafena Andin Salamat Survival Strategies of Internal Security in Nigeria: The Amotekun Option 2024-08-07T08:19:07+08:00 Oikhala Gabriel Izokpu <p>Across the world, governments guarantee security of citizens and provide enabling environment for people to go about their lawful business. In Nigeria, incessant kidnappings, attacks on farmers by herdsmen, ritual killings, and bombings by Boko Haram among others are forcing people to live in fear and can no longer go about their legitimate business. The level of insecurity at present has degenerated to where efforts of the Nigeria police appeared not helpful. With this development, the South-West Governors organised Security Summit and established a regional security labelled “Amotekun” to rid the region of criminal elements. This paper examined the legality of Amotekun security outfit and causes of security breakdown in Nigeria. Relevant data were obtained from textbooks, journals, and newspapers among others. Data collected were analysed through descriptive method. Using the Grand Strategy for Internal Security Narrative as a framework, Amotekun was established to fight crimes and stop herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorist activities in South West. The paper found Amotekun as inconsistent with the Constitution. It found bad governance, poor leadership, injustice, weak law enforcement, and unemployment as some causes of security breakdown in Nigeria. It concluded that the establishment of Amotekun as a regional security is illegal and hence, it cannot improve the security breakdown in Nigeria. The paper recommended that the police should adopt comprehensive policing; the federal government should maintain efficient police and stop intermingling security issues with politics; and the South-West governments should push for constitutional review to recognise regional police in Nigeria.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Oikhala Gabriel Izokpu Social Contract Theory: A Model for Nation Building in Nigeria 2024-08-07T08:44:23+08:00 Yahaya I. Ibrahim Sikiru Lanre Nurudeen <p>Social Contract Theory holds its origin to the three ancient philosophers, namely Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679 AD), John Locke (1632-1682 AD), and Jean –Jacque Rousseau (1712-1778 AD) who philosophizedon state of nature and social contract. Although each of them had different notions of the concepts, they all agreed that it was the consent of the people to be organized into society for collective security. It also entails surrendering some or part of their personal liberties to a ‘’commonwealth’’. The commonwealth represents the modern day government. By implication, when individuals surrender their personal liberties to a commonwealth, the commonwealth is obligated to enforce laws that protect the individual. Perhaps it is in this context that social contract is regarded as one of the major explanations for the emergence of state system in the contemporary world. Nigeria is a nation-state with diverse elements wedged together by colonization and whose distaste for one another has not ceased in spite of efforts of successive governments. Unfortunately the founding of Nigeria was not based on a pact as suggested by the social contract theory. Again the colonial administrative system created some fundamental problems of integration which lingers on till date. This paper, using documentary research method examines the Nigerian state from colonial period and discovers that social contract theory is not appropriate to analyse the founding of the Nigerian state. It recommends that to build a nation out of Nigeria there is need to re-examine the process of integration of the different people that currently form it as well as its rule of engagement.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yahaya I. Ibrahim, Sikiru Lanre Nurudeen Federalism: “New Malaysia” and Hope for the State of Kelantan 2024-08-07T09:22:44+08:00 Wan Zulfadhli Syahman Wan Yusof Tuan Nooriani Tuan Ismail Iskandar Hasan Tan Abdullah <p>Malaysia consists of 13 states and three Federal Territories, practicing the concept of federalism in its governing system. The Federal Government of Malaysia was governed by only a single-party coalition known as Perikatan, later renamed Barisan Nasional (BN) in 1973. However, in the 14th General Election, which was held in May 2018, for the first time, the country’s administration was replaced by another political coalition known as Pakatan Harapan (PH). The main objective of this article is toemphasize the future of the relationship between the Kelantan State Government and the Federal Government of Malaysia, especially post the 14th general election. The selection of Kelantan as the focus of this article is important because, in the context of Malaysian democracy, the state is the longest running state under a different party administration from the Federal Government, which directly offers a certain perspective on the relationship between the Federal and State Governments. This article specifically referred to related documents covering articles, journals, writings, speeches, and references to any form of communication and observation of the commitments that have been made by the Kelantan State Government and the Federal Government of Malaysia.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wan Zulfadhli Syahman Wan Yusof, Tuan Nooriani Tuan Ismail, Iskandar Hasan Tan Abdullah Assessment of Training and Development and Labour Turnover in Federal University of Technology, Minna and Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida 2010 -2020 2024-08-07T09:59:16+08:00 Sani Yusuf S. B. Abdulkareem H. A. Yusuf <p>Training and development are assumed to have a very positive effects on workers in every organization most especially universities. They tend to be more productive whenever human capital development are undertaken as policy or strategy as this will eventually lead to productivity. In Nigeria, employee turnover posed serious fundamental challenges in many organization most especially universities. A recent estimate have shown that between 2010 to 2020, more than 4000 teaching staff from various universities leave their various institutions to look for a greener pastures in western countries such as United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Germany. How does training and development affect labour turnover in our universities? The objective of this paper is to determine the effect of training and development on turnover. The hypothesis postulated state that training and development has no significant effect on turnover. Some variables such as training needs, relevance of training and development programmes, proper placement after training, promotion, salary increase, recognition, and career growth were identified to be factors that contribute to labour turnover. The research adopted both secondary and survey research method. The population of the study was 2,010. The sample size was 305. A stratified sample techniques was adopted. The questionnaire were administered, collected and analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and regression to test the hypothesis. The findings established that these variables has a significant and positive relationship with turnover. The study recommends that workers should be highly motivated with promotion, proper placement, and uninterrupted career growth.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sani Yusuf, S. B. Abdulkareem, H. A. Yusuf Implementation of Safety Performance Using Safety Culture in the Oil and Gas Industry During COVID-19 Pandemic 2024-08-07T10:17:41+08:00 Shawal Sahid Hamid @ Hussain Anuary Sham Mohd Ariff Amyra Syafiqah Anuary Sham Masliyani Nasuh Jasni <p>The oil and gas industry includes the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting, and marketing of petroleum products as it becomes central to the economic growth of Malaysia because of its contribution to the fifth of Malaysia’s GDP over the past 10 years. However, the emergence of a pandemic that Covid-19 caused the operating environment of the oil and gas industry to experience a monumental shift and subsequently affected workers in the oil and gas industry. As a result, great care and focus are given to the importance of safety culture implementation. The focus of this research is to investigate the influence of safety culture’s elements on employee engagement in safety over safety performance, as well as analyze the relationship between safety culture’s employee communication and safety performance during Covid-19 among employees at Solar Gas Sdn. Bhd. Furthermore, this study aims to predict safety performance by utilizing the safety culture of employers' leadership in that organization. As part of this questionnaire research, a random sample of 48 Solar Gas Sdn Bhd employees were chosen as respondents. Based on the discussion, discovered that Safety Training is strongly associated with employee safety involvement. However, there is no significant relationship between employee communication and safety training, just as there is no relationship between safety performance and the element of Employers' Leadership in regard to safety culture. In a nutshell, studies show that the employees of the organization do not fully understand and practice the safety culture during this covid 19 pandemic. This makes the safety culture difficult to practice and will indirectly lead to several accidents and the spread of epidemics in the workplace.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Shawal Sahid Hamid @ Hussain, Anuary Sham Mohd Ariff, Amyra Syafiqah Anuary Sham, Masliyani Nasuh Jasni Determining Elements of Design Thinking Implementation in Schools Using Fuzzy Delphi Method 2024-08-07T10:36:32+08:00 Adila Md Hashim Sharipah Ruzaina Syed Aris Chan Yuen Fook <p>Design thinking is a design-based learning strategy that flourishes on experiential learning and evolves from the study of unique ways to solve real-world problems. The growing interest in embedded design thinking in educational contexts has given the opportunity for design thinking to be utilised by younger students in schools. This study aims to identify the elements of design thinking implementation for teachers to plan a design-based learning strategy in schools. A total of eight experts were selected to analyse the fuzziness consensus of experts. All collected data were analysed using the Fuzzy Delphi Method. The results show that 40 of the 54 elements meet the conditions in which the threshold value, d is less than 0.2 and the percentage of the expert group is more than 75%. Two elements that were first rejected are added to the list to fulfil the purpose of the design thinking approach. Therefore, based on the consensus of the experts, the elements of design thinking implementation can be used by teachers as a guideline to apply design thinking in schools.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adila Md Hashim, Sharipah Ruzaina Syed Aris, Chan Yuen Fook Students' Perceptions on the Implementation of Recorded Oral Presentation 2024-08-07T10:48:51+08:00 Kamilah Zainuddin Che’ Fadhilah Che’ Lah <p>Nowadays, lecturers are integrating numerous technologies in their classrooms due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Hence, it has allowed the widespread use of recorded videos in English classrooms. Thus, this study has been conducted to find out the students’ perceptions on the implementation of oral presentation through recorded video. 164 semester 1 Diploma students of Politeknik Kota Bharu were selected as respondents. The questionnaires were devised to collect data and tested for reliability with the result of Cronbach’s Alpha=0.896. The findings show the Recorded Oral Presentation helps to increase students’ confidence and eventually improves their speaking skills.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamilah Zainuddin, Che’ Fadhilah Che’ Lah Beneficiaries’ Knowledge and Perception of Girls’ Education Programme Strategies in Bauchi State, Nigeria 2024-08-08T02:16:53+08:00 John Onche Idu Matthew Funsho Bello Deborah Gaius Alaji <p>The study investigated the extent to which the knowledge and perceptions of programme beneficiaries impacted and/or constrained the girls’ education programme strategies of the Bauchi state government and UNICEF from improving girls’ education in the state. Using project communication as an approach, it was argued that lack of project communication through awareness creation and enlightenment using traditional and religious institutions is a constraint to project success. A mixed method research design comprising both qualitative and quantitative approach to data gathering was developed and utilized to obtain a sample size of 180 respondents out of a total population of 283 using Qualtrics quantitative sample size calculator based on purposive sampling technique. Data obtained were analysed thematically and hypothesis tested using multiple regression with the aid of the SPSS statistical software (version 20) at 0.05 level of significance. The null hypothesis was rejected and the alternate upheld. Findings from the study showd that programme beneficiaries’ knowledge and perception significantly constrained the girls’ education programme strategies of the Bauchi state government from improving girl child education while it enhanced that of UNICEF. In conclusion it was recommended that, the state government should utilize traditional and religious institutions to enlighten and create awareness about the benefits of the girls’ education programmes been implemented.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 John Onche Idu, Matthew Funsho Bello, Deborah Gaius Alaji Economic Challenges on Micro Enterprise Contractors In Surviving Covid-19 Pandemic’s Effects 2024-08-08T02:52:11+08:00 Norsyakilah Romeli Nur Izzati Nazifa Husni Faridah Muhamad Halil Muhammad Aizat Afiq Abd Ghapar Jacqueline Wena Dhelbi <p>The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the global economy, leading Malaysia's economy to suffer. Since the start of lockdown, numerous construction companies have suffered in maintaining their financial business especially for micro business since they are financially fragile in contrast to large business. Hence, this study aims to investigate the economic challenges effected by Covid-19 towards micro enterprise contractor’s survival. This study adopted mix method approach which is quantitative data and qualitative data. Both collection of data were handled via online medium to avoid the spread of Covid-19 virus. Financial issues factor, cost implication, and financial mitigation are the major variable variables that observed in the survey. This is based on a financial issue factors, which includes implementation of movement control order, standard operating procedure, material construction price increases, payment issues, and client-related factors. As the results the implementation of movement control order, increase price of construction material, new standard operation procedure, payment issue and client related factor has effected the most on the financial issues sides meanwhile on cost implication sides, the cost overrun has effectedmicro entreprise during pandemic. Results on financial mitigation were obtained to mitigate the impact of Covid-19, with the results indicating that invoking force majeure, government financial aid, joint venture plans, company termination, and risk sharing can help micro enterprises cope with the difficulty. Therefore, this helps micro enterprise to survive the economic impact and understand the challenges of the pandemic by adopting an effective strategy that will help improve the financial company management.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Norsyakilah Romeli, Nur Izzati Nazifa Husni, Faridah Muhamad Halil, Muhammad Aizat Afiq Abd Ghapar, Jacqueline Wena Dhelbi Open and Distance Learning (ODL): Seeing from the Eyes of English Grammar Instructors 2024-08-08T03:04:18+08:00 Nur Hidayah Md Yazid Melissa Malik <p>Grammar teaching is approached differently according to teachers’ beliefs and students’ needs. It has also long been associated with the usual chalk-and-talk approach. However, due to Covid-19 pandemic, teachers had to leave their comfortable way of teaching and adjust with the unfamiliar virtual approach known as the Open and Distance Learning (ODL). So, how do teachers ensure that students can still learn grammar in ODL? This study investigated lecturers teaching grammar to post-secondary ESL learners at one higher learning institution in the Klang Valley. The study sought to investigate how they responded and adapted to emergent education challenges and strategies used to ensure their students’ readiness and learning adjustment. Semi-structured interviews were utilized to gather data. Findings suggested that the lecturers’ challenges in adapting to the new norm has led them to reflect on their teaching approach and embrace the use of technology to cope with the teaching and learning process.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hidayah Md Yazid, Melissa Malik Scale Development and Validation to Measure Student’s Perceived Impact of Learning and Satisfaction Towards e-Learning 2024-08-08T03:45:13+08:00 Nursyahida Zulkifli Nor Raihana Asmar Mohd Noor Nor Farizah Johari <p>The educational system across the world has greatly been affected due to outbreak of COVID-19; it forced the closure of educational institutions to prevent the spread of the virus. Due to that, all teaching and learning programmes should be conducted through online platform. Hence, the presence of e-learning, computer-based learning has emerged as closest substitute for off-line teaching. Thus, thepurpose of this study is to establish a standardised measurement that engender satisfaction and positive impacts of e-learning. To develop and validate the scale, a sequential process is conducted which includes item generation, item purification and item validation. Relevant literature was reviewed and responses from 164 students of Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan’s Campus, Malaysia were collected through online questionnaire to explore the factor structure and to validate the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using SmartPLS (version 3.3.3) was used to validate the scale. The findings of the study recommend the extension of the scale development and validation used in this research for future research. The findings of the study will facilitate educational institutions and policy makers to take this online learning process to the next level in a better way.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nursyahida Zulkifli, Nor Raihana Asmar Mohd Noor, Nor Farizah Johari Enhancing Emotional Intelligence through Creative Process in KOMSAS Drama for Secondary School Students: The Design and Development of Create-EMO 2024-08-08T04:20:44+08:00 Nurul Fasheha Razali Harrinni Md Noor Farhana Wan Yunus <p>The recent Covid-19 pandemic has seen an increased number of cases of mental health issues. Our education system has taken a considerable turn to meet teaching and learning demands from conventional to virtual methods. Students need to stay at home and go on virtual classroom mode. Though the implementation of virtual learning is not new in this 21st Century, the abrupt change in learning methods with the absence of peers and teachers has caused many students to feel frustrated and stressed out. Therefore, it is crucial and timely to focus on students’ emotional well-being during this new norm and start to infuse emotional intelligence (EI) into their lessons. This research explores the design and development stages of the teaching and learning module called Create-EMO. Research data was only based on literature reviews and interviews among experts. A Create-EMO module was designed and developed by incorporating EI through creative&nbsp; processes (CP) for the Secondary 4 Drama Malay literature component, KOMSAS (Komponen Sastera). Create-EMO was also designed and developed based on the ASSURE model and Goleman’s four main EI domains - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and social skills. This module also includes Wallas’ four-stage creative process - preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. The module also allows students to work collaboratively on a shared project as they can view problems and issues from varying perspectives, thus raising their awareness of the issues involved.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Fasheha Razali, Harrinni Md Noor, Farhana Wan Yunus Politik Pembangunan Di Terengganu (1999-2013) 2024-08-08T04:29:12+08:00 Ilyas Abdullah <p>Politik Terengganu sebelum PRU ke-10 menyaksikan sokongan pengundi terhadap UMNO-BN begitu kukuh dan dominan. Walaubagaimanapun, keputusan pasca PRU ke-10 menunjukkan UMNO dan parti oposisi khususnya PAS mempunyai peluang yang seimbang untuk membentuk kerajaan di Terengganu. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa pembangunan merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi pembentukan budaya politik Melayu di Terengganu sebelum dan selepas PRU ke-10. Namun begitu, pasca PRU ke-10, pembangunan tidak lagi ditafsirkan sekadar mengecapi nikmat keselesaan semata mata, malahan mesti turut disepadukan dengan prinsip keadilan.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilyas Abdullah Isu dan Faktor Pengukuh Hubungan Dua Hala Malaysia-China Era Najib Razak 2024-08-08T04:55:28+08:00 Muhammad Syakir Idris Ilyas Abdullah <p>Hubungan dua hala Malaysia dan China merupakan suatu kerjasama yang telah lama terjalin. Hubungan ini telah terbentuk secara rasminya pada 31 Mei 1974 hasil daripada usaha Perdana Menteri ke-2 iaitu Tun Abdul Razak. Sejak itu, hubungan ini dilihat telah banyak memberikan impak positif kepada kedua-dua negara khususnya dalam aspek ekonomi, politik dan sosial. Sebagai contoh, hubungan dua hala Malaysia-China pada era pentadbiran Najib Razak telah memberikan kesan yang signifikan kepada pembangunan ekonomi Malaysia melalui aktiviti perdagangan, pelancongan, pelaburan dan lain-lain. Namun, kehadiran isu-isu seperti peristiwa kehilangan pesawat MH370 dan konflik yang berlaku di Laut China Selatan telah menjadi cabaran kepada hubungan kedua-dua negara. Walaupun begitu, kewujudan faktor-faktor pengukuh seperti saling kebergantungan ekonomi, pendekatan diplomasi dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh ASEAN telah berjaya meredakan ketegangan yang berlaku di dalam kerjasama dua hala Malaysia dan China. Dalam menganalisis persoalan bagaimana faktor-faktor pengukuh tersebut membantu mengurangkan ketegangan, konsep complex interdependence telah digunakan untuk membantu pengkaji membincangkan perkembangan dalam hubungan dua hala Malaysia-China. Di samping itu, di dalam penulisan ini pengkaji telah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif yang melibatkan pengumpulan data melalui sumber sekunder bagi memantapkan dapatan kajian seterusnya mengukuhkan lagi perbincangan kajian.</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Syakir Idris, Ilyas Abdullah