Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance <p><strong><a href="">Journal of Islamic Philanthropy &amp; Social Finance</a> (JIPSF)</strong> is a peer-reviewed open access journal. JIPSF runs biannual issues and managed by a team of scholars from <strong>Center for Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance (CIPSF), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia</strong>. This scholarly avenue is a multidisciplinary journal streaming from emerging issues in areas of Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance. This includes zakat, waqf, infaq, charity, qard al hassan, Islamic finance, and Islamic microfinance. The editors welcome manuscripts in the above disciplines and the subdisciplines. Prospective authors are encouraged to use this submission link to advance their manuscript for a review and possible publication. The Journal is published twice a year.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT MANUSCRIPT</strong></a></p> UiTM Press en-US Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2590-3942 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FOUR-LEVEL KIRKPATRICK MODEL EVALUATION IN THE UTILIZATION ZAKAT EDUCATION TELADAN NEGERI SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM TO INCREASE STUDENT LEARNING MOTIVATION AND MORAL <p>Teladan Negeri Scholarship is a zakat utilization program in the form of providing educational financial support and character development for elementary, middle and high school students and equivalents in Greater Bandung as support for achieving their goals and becoming exemplary individuals. Teladan Negeri Scholarship is here as a solution to answer education problems in Indonesia, especially regarding the quality of character education. Based on the UNDP survey results released in 2022, Indonesia is still ranked 114th, even though Indonesia managed to rise 3 places from the previous year, this result is still far from what was aspired to. Character Education is a priority in Merdeka Belajar which is being promoted for the advancement of education in Indonesia by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This research will look at the effectiveness of the programs that have been implemented and follow up on deficiencies found during the evaluation process. This research aims to analyse the learning motivation and morals of Teladan Negeri scholarship recipients. Measuring changes in learning motivation and morals was carried out using the four-level Kirkpatrick model evaluation method which makes it easier to analyse each program session. The program implemented takes the form of coaching every month, mentoring of beneficiary participants, and counselling for participants' parents as a form of synergy in developing children to be moral and have good motivation. The application of the Kirkpatrick Four Level Evaluation Model is used as a reference framework for evaluating programs, where levels 1 and 2 will produce information about the programs that have been implemented. Meanwhile, levels 3 and 4 will produce information that focuses on the impact of the program for students who receive the Teladan Negeri Scholarship benefits.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.24191/JIPSF/v6n22024_1-7</a></p> M Akbar Fajar Siddiq Darmawi Viya Fatwa Nurmalasari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 6 2 1 7 THE ROLE OF ZAKAT INSTITUTIONS IN ACCELERATING STUNTING REDUCTION IN INDONESIA, A LESSON LEARN FROM THE DOMPET DHUAFA NUTRITION POST PROGRAM <p>Indonesia faces a double burden in nutrition problems, especially nutrition in children. Data from the 2022 Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey (SSGI) provides an overview of the nutritional status of toddlers with the stunting rate decreasing from 24.4% to 21.6% ( The reduction in stunting rate remains below WHO criteria of 20%. President Joko Widodo targets the percentage of stunting prevalence in Indonesia to reach 14% by 2024. The problem of stunting is a multidimensional problem, so it requires the participation of many parties including zakat or philanthropic institutions that can fill the gap in efforts to alleviate specific and sensitive nutrition. Dompet Dhuafa has implemented zakat empowerment with the Nutrition Post program with a positive deviance adaptive approach that adopts a community empowerment effort approach for positive behavior change with the active involvement of local governments, health offices, community health centers, health mobilizers, healthy cadres, and the community itself. This program aims to restore the nutritional status of children under two years old with wasting and underweight problems that affect the incidence of stunting. In 2022, the Nutrition Post program was implemented at 11 points in 8 provinces of the Dompet Dhuafa Free Health Service (LKC) working area in Indonesia with 4 mentoring models for feeding behaviour, childcare, environmental and personal hygiene, and seeking health services. The research method was carried out quantitatively and the data was presented descriptively. a total of 250 toddlers experiencing malnutrition and underweight, it was discovered that after intervention through Nutrition Post , toddlers experienced a weight gain of 208 (83%), but not a (fixed) weight gain of 30 (12%), and 12 (5%) toddlers experienced weight loss. The Nutrition Post program with a positive deviance adaptive approach is one of the efforts to participate in zakat institutions or philanthropic institutions to make sustainable efforts in accelerating stunting reduction in Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.24191/JIPSF/v6n22024_8-16</a></p> Yeni Purnamasari Sifing Lestari Hafidzoh Uswatun Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 6 2 8 16 ISLAMIC FINANCIAL PLANNING: TOWARDS ACHIEVING AL-FALAH <p>Islam encourages humans to acquire, manage and spend wealth in a good manner. Wealth is an essential part in human life to satisfy human needs. A Muslim should be concerned on how his wealth is being utilized and how the wealth is distributed upon death. Islamic financial planning is a step-by-step process of managing the wealth of Muslims. Islamic financial planning can help individuals to make informed financial decisions. Personal financial planning should align with Islamic principles for individuals to achieve success in the world and hereafter (al-falah). The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of Islamic financial planning, including the key components and its importance. This paper employs a qualitative methodology with a content analysis approach to review and analyze existing literature. A critical analysis on the guide to Islamic financial planning is provided through this research. The findings highlight proper financial planning will enhance money management, optimize resources and secure long-term financial goals. Integration of Islamic principles in financial planning can preserve and grow wealth while adhering to Shariah laws. Muslims should regard Islamic financial planning as a valuable financial activity to achieve al-falah.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.24191/JIPSF/v6n22024_17-24</a></p> Najiha Omar Khairil Faizal Khairi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 6 2 17 24 ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF DOMPET DHUAFA IN FILLING THE GAP IN ACCESS TO UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE FOR POOR PEOPLE IN INDONESIA <p>The Government of Indonesia through The Social Security Administrator for Health (BPJS Kesehatan) has tried to provide Universal health coverage (UHC) to health services for all Indonesian people. In 2022, there are 88 million poor people recorded in BPJS PBI (Contribution Assistance Recipients) data from a quota of 96.8 million allocated from the State Budget. In 2023, the BPJS PBI quota will be reduced to 60 million people andin 2024 to 40 million people. In an effort to realize its vision as a philanthropic organization and fulfill the basic health rights of the poor, Dompet Dhuafa has mapped the gap that occurs based on data on health services carried out through the Dompet Dhuafa Free Health Service (LKC) in 12 provinces in Indonesia. The gap is in the limited public knowledge of BPJS PBI participation rights, procedures for accessing health services, and efforts to fulfill complementary support in the health sector. To overcome this gap, Dompet Dhuafa has conducted a Health Emergency Response program and opened access to health insurance advocacy. This program aims to provide knowledge, protection, assistance, and strategic partnerships between various parties in an effort to fulfill UHC for the poor. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of Dompet Dhuafa in bridging the gap in accesss to universal health coverage for the poor people in Indonesia trough advocacy activities and emergency Health Response (RDK). The research method used is a quantitative model with descriptive data sourced from service and beneficiary data, distribution, and expansion of networks, and achievements of advocacy for health services and insurance in 12 provinces in Indonesia. From the available data, the efforts made by Dompet Dhuafa have contributed to filling the gap in access to universal health coverage for poor people in Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.24191/JIPSF/v6n22024_25-38 </a></p> Yeni Purnamasari Reita Annur Uswatun Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 6 2 25 38 CABARAN PERUSAHAAN KECIL DAN SEDERHANA DI MALAYSIA PASCA MERDEKA <p>Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) memang diakui memainkan peranan yang besar dalam pembangunan negara menuju kearah negara perindustrian. Kebanyakan pemain industri ini adalah dalam kalangan bumiputera dan pelbagai permasalahan telah digarap hasil daripada kajian-kajian sebelum ini. Kajian berbentuk analisis dokumen ini dilakukan untuk mengupas permasalahan pemain-pemain PKS dalam mendepani cabaran global masa kini. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan Teknik analisis dokumen. Beberapa dokumen yang berbentuk primer dan sekunder telah digunakan seperti artikel kajian, laporan, hasil wawancara dan laporan akhbar. Hasil kajian menunjukkan wujud tiga cabaran utama yang dihadapi oleh PKS iaitu (1) Kekurangan sumber bahan mentah, (2) Sumber kewangan dan (3) Transformasi digital yang terlalu pantas. Beberapa cadangan untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini juga telah dikemukakan dan besar harapan agar ianya menjadi panduan kepada pemain PKS dalam menaikkan imej industri Malaysia di mata dunia.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.24191/JIPSF/v6n22024_25-38 </a></p> Ahmad Rosli Mohd Nor Nur Husna Mohamed Rizal Nur Najwa Nabila Zin Adli Nur Syazlia Md Kassim Nurrul Hani Fazirra Mohd Hanif Nurul Syuhada Tajul Azhar Tasnim Harizan Wan Nur Shuaidah Mohd Apandi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 6 2 39 46 DETERMINANTS OF ADOPTING ISLAMIC INSURANCE IN JIGAWA STATE: A LOGISTIC REGRESSION APPROACH <p>The study examined the influential factors for the adoption of Islamic insurance in Jigawa state, Nigeria using logistic approach. The study collected survey data from household heads using Taro Yammane (1976) statistical sampling formula to distribute 400 questionnaires across the two local government areas in the state of which 87% was fully returned. A simple random sampling technique was used in distributing the self-administered questionnaires. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were used for the data analysis. The descriptive analysis was used for the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents and the prospects of adopting takaful. Cronbach Alpha was used for the reliability test of the questionnaire after a pilot test and the result shows that the instrument was reliable for the model employed in the study. The result from the logistic regression shows Sharia compliance, Social influence, and Relative advantage are statistically significant as the factors that influence the adoption of takaful while awareness is statistically not significant. It is recommended that Islamic insurance companies open branches in Dutse and Hadejia local government areas since the result shows it is prospective.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.24191/JIPSF/v6n22024_47-57</a></p> Lawal Abdullahi Abubakar Gambo Babandi Gumel Usman Sa’ad Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-10-04 2024-10-04 6 2 47 57 MEASURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERINTIS SCHOLARSHIP BENEFICIARIES BASED ON THE ZAKAT UTILIZATION INDEX (IPZ) AT RUMAH AMAL SALMAN <p>The Perintis Scholarship is a zakat utilization program that provides college entrance guidance, tuition fees, and living expenses for economically disadvantaged high school seniors, organized by Rumah Amal Salman. Running since 2018, the program has undergone various updates in methods and resource optimization. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the scholarship program using the Zakat Utilization Index (IPZ). A quantitative approach was employed, with IPZ measurements tested for validity and reliability using Ms. Office tools. Surveys were conducted with 84 recipients from 2021-2023, evaluating five key IPZ dimensions: social, cultural, economic, da'wah, and environmental. The results show an IPZ score of 0.69, placing the program in the "good enough" category, indicating it is in the strengthening phase and requires further evaluation and improvement. To enhance the program's effectiveness, focus on strengthening the social, economic, and environmental dimensions is recommended to help recipients excel further.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="">10.24191/JIPSF/v6n2202 4_58-69</a></p> Yedi Purwanto Alfiyah Nur Fitriani Abdul Aziz Syachrial Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-10-04 2024-10-04 6 2 58 69 PROFILING OF APPLICANTS FOR KELULUTPRENEURS INCUBATOR UNDER COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROJECT OF UITM CAWANGAN MELAKA AND YAYASAN TM <p>A community engagement project is an organized and planned effort to actively involve residents of a particular community in various tasks and decision-making procedures. Such a program encourages shared responsibility, collaboration, and ownership among community members to solve their needs, problems, and goals. UiTM Cawangan Melaka supports low-income communities' economic growth, particularly those with a Kelulut (stingless bee) farming interest. Therefore, in collaboration with Yayasan TM (YTM), UiTM Cawangan Melaka opened the door for suitable individuals to participate in the Kelulutpreneur Incubator Project 2023 to enhance the quality of life for the local low-income community near UiTM. The purpose of this study is to analyse the profile of applicants and to determine suitable candidates for this project. The participant selection procedure involved a two-step screening process. This study adapted an exploratory research method through content analysis of submitted forms by the applicants. The creative profiling of applicants for the Kelulutpreneurs Incubator has offered an innovative and insightful approach to understanding the potential entrepreneurs for the program.</p> Azhana Othman Norajila Che Man Zunaidah Ab Hasan Mohd Khairul Nizam Mohd Aziz Sarah Dina Mohd Adnan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 2 70 79 CABARAN PENDIDIKAN DALAM MENGATASI ISU PERKAUMAN DI MALAYSIA <p>Di Malaysia, sebuah negara yang kaya dengan kepelbagaian etnik dan agama, institusi pendidikan memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk pemahaman pelajar tentang keharmonian dan toleransi kaum. Tesis ini mengkaji cabaran kompleks yang dihadapi oleh sekolah-sekolah Malaysia dalam menangani isu-isu kaum dan agama, terutamanya memberi tumpuan kepada bagaimana cabaran ini memberi kesan kepada hubungan pelajar dan persekitaran sekolah secara keseluruhan. Kajian ini mengkaji kesusasteraan dan sumber ilmiah lain untuk mendedahkan faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada isu-isu ini dan strategi yang berpotensi untuk memupuk perpaduan. Penemuan mendedahkan bahawa halangan termasuk salah faham budaya, sumber terhad untuk pendidikan inklusif, dan latihan guru yang tidak mencukupi, yang semuanya menghalang usaha ke arah keharmonian kaum. Kajian ini menyediakan cadangan untuk membangunkan dasar pendidikan responsif budaya, meningkatkan latihan guru, dan memperkenalkan inisiatif keterangkuman berpusatkan pelajar yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan persekitaran pembelajaran yang lebih harmoni.</p> Muhammad Adam Bakar Mohd Khairul Azlin Mamat Omar Abd Hadi Mohd Iskandar Abd Taib Ranina Abdullah Nur Faizzati Nawawi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 2 80 94 PERANAN INSTITUSI RAJA DALAM MENJAMIN KEHARMONIAN AGAMA DAN KAUM DI MALAYSIA <p>Institusi Raja di Malaysia berperanan utama dalam memastikan keseimbangan dan keharmonian antara agama dan kaum di negara ini. Institusi Raja-Raja Melayu, yang diberikan kedudukan istimewa di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, bertindak sebagai penjaga agama Islam, pelindung adat Melayu, dan lambang perpaduan bagi seluruh rakyat. Kuasa yang dimiliki oleh Raja-Raja Melayu dalam aspek agama dan keistimewaan bumiputera memainkan peranan penting dalam mengekalkan kestabilan sosial, merapatkan jurang antara kaum, serta memperkukuhkan hubungan harmoni antara pelbagai etnik dan agama. Majlis Raja-Raja, sebagai badan tertinggi dalam hal perlembagaan, memastikan bahawa isu-isu sensitif dan pindaan perlembagaan yang melibatkan hak Melayu, bahasa, dan agama Islam dipertimbangkan dengan teliti untuk mengelakkan konflik antara kaum. Tambahan pula, institusi ini telah menyesuaikan diri dengan cabaran semasa melalui penggunaan media sosial untuk mendekati rakyat dan menyebarkan mesej perpaduan, sekali gus menunjukkan komitmen mereka terhadap keharmonian negara. Secara keseluruhannya, institusi Raja di Malaysia adalah elemen penting dalam mengekalkan perpaduan, kestabilan, dan identiti nasional, sekaligus menjadikannya relevan dalam memelihara keamanan serta keharmonian dalam masyarakat yang berbilang kaum di Malaysia.</p> Muhammad Syazwan Irfan Samsudin Rozaimi Abdul Talib Fauzi Al Insan Mohamed Khairul Akmal Mohd Radzi Nur Syahirah Nor Hidayah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Islamic Philanthrophy and Social Finance 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 2 95 107