Determination of anti-acetylcholinesterase and antimicrobial activity of Curcuma longa and Curcuma zedoaria rhizome ethanolic extract
Anti-Acetylcholinesterase, Antimicrobial activity, Curcuma longa, Curcuma zedoaria, Ethanolic extractAbstract
Curcuma longa and Curcuma zedoaria is widely cultivated across the Asian continents due to its use in traditional medicine and cuisine. Both plants were used in a large number of research and attract scientists around the world due to various potential therapeutic properties such as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Hence this study aimed to determine the percentage yield, effectiveness towards anti-acetylcholinesterase and antimicrobial activity and bioactive substances of Curcuma longa and Curcuma zedoaria rhizome ethanolic extract.