Comparative Study of the Selection of the Best Contractor Using Fuzzy Weak Autocatalytic Set and Analytic Hierarchy Process


  • Siti Salwana Mamat Centre of Foundation Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Zarith Sofiah Othman
  • Noraini Ahmad


Analytic Hierarchy Process, Contractor Selection, Fuzzy Weak Autocatalytic, Multi-criteria Decision-Making, Sensitivity Analysis


The prevalence of pairwise comparison in decision-making processes, particularly in Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) contexts, and the need for effective techniques to address MCDM challenges in the context of contractor selection. The objectives of this research are; 1) To explore and apply the Fuzzy Weak Autocatalytic Set (FWACS) technique in the problem of contractor selection. 2) To compare the outcomes of FWACS with those obtained using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). This research has been initiated by a preliminary analysis of the characteristics of the theorem based on a literature review. The methodology will start with the utilization of the FWACS technique, followed by the conception of a fuzzy graph through a comparative assessment of a set of alternatives. Next is a comprehensive comparison of outcomes between FWACS and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and lastly, a sensitivity analysis to substantiate the stability and consistency of decisions derived from FWACS. The decisions derived from FWACS exhibit stability and consistency. In comparison with AHP, it's confirmed that FWACS not only matches established methods but also excels in handling uncertainties typical of real-world situations. FWACS, especially within the fuzzy framework, stands out for effectively managing uncertainty. This advantage makes it particularly useful for complex decision problems involving imprecise or ambiguous information. The practical application of FWACS in addressing contractor selection problems. The substantiated stability and consistency of decisions derived from FWACS make them comparable to those derived from AHP.


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