The Impact of Predator Attack Behaviour on Interactions in Two Prey an One-Predator Systems
Prey-predator system, Three-species model, Stability analysis, Numerical simulation, Attack rateAbstract
This research explores a three-species model of prey and predator interactions, which includes primary and secondary prey and a predator. The main concern is the potential disturbance caused by uncontrolled predator attacks, which can harm the coexistence of species and disrupt the entire food chain system. Thus, this research aims to analyze the impact of predator attacks on primary and secondary prey, focusing on coexistence dynamics or potential extinction within the system. The approach involves formulating a simplified ordinary differential equation for a two-prey and one-predator system, calculating equilibrium points, and performing theoretical stability analysis. Numerical simulations are executed using Maple and MATLAB software to validate the theoretical findings, providing a strong foundation for the research outcomes. The main findings indicate that high-intensity predator attacks can result in the extinction of prey populations, while moderate-intensity attacks facilitate the coexistence of all species. This research holds significant implications for ecological conservation, offering insights that can guide strategies for managing predator populations and influencing ecosystem stability. This study provides a basis for well-informed ecosystem management and conservation initiatives by clarifying the conditions under which coexistence or extinction occurs.
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