An An Illustration of Bilah Keris Luk 7 with Bezier Cubic Curve and Cubic Polynomial Curve


  • MASNIRA RAMLI UiTMCK, Kampus Machang
  • Suziana Aida Othman
  • Ahmad Nizam Abd Khairudin
  • Nor Mahfuzah Mazlan
  • Azma Shahaiman Azimin


Bezier cubic curve , Cubic polynomial curve, Bilah keris, Luk 7, Image


The Bezier cubic curve and cubic polynomial curve are used to illustrate the bilah keris, commonly known as a 'blade dagger'. Keris is a popular weapon in Malaysia, originally designed for battle. Currently, it has evolved into a conventional craft with aesthetic characteristics. Keris has wavy edges known as luk, which typically come in odd numbers like three, five, seven, eleven, and thirteen. A luk is a curve on a keris defined by various equations. Traditionally, each luk represents a distinct meaning and symbolism. The keris luk 7 represents authority and charisma in government. However, mathematically, this study examined the various curves on the luk of the bilah keris. Two distinct equations are applied to create the graphic image for the blade of the keris with 7 luk. The equations of curves representing different shapes were defined using MAPLE software, and the coordinates were obtained from the GetData Graph Digitizer. The distinctive curve on the bilah keris model is determined using mathematical equations, which represent two distinct visualisations of the keris. As a result, these eight specific curves demonstrate the flexibility of the curves with the coordinate points acting as the control points on the image.


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