
  • Syahrul Aini
  • Cut Nursaniah
  • Irin Caisarina
  • Abdul Munir


Green architecture, Sustainable mosque, Passive cooling, Renewable energy


The trend of covering intricate ventilation with glass material has caused modern mosques in Banda Aceh to increase carbon emissions, due to electricity consumption for cooling. The current phenomenon is that new mosques are designed with active rather than passive cooling techniques. At the same time, despite being widely promoted within Islam, a sustainable way of life, including water and resource conservation, equitable physical and knowledge access, and community bonding, is not actively promoted and practised by the mosque community. Therefore, this paper conducts a descriptive study on the Al-Furqan Mosque in Banda Aceh, regarding the application of green architectural principles based on Greenship Indonesia. This study aims to reveal the extent to which green and sustainable architectural elements that focus on energy efficiency and conservation have been implemented. This study observed the high amount of renewable energy produced by mosques. Furthermore, energy is saved by using passive cooling and natural lighting. Overall, this case study requires improvements to the design and landscape that lead to a sustainable mosque through an environmentally friendly architectural approach. Even though the design has tried to adapt, it is not optimal.


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How to Cite

Aini, S. ., Nursaniah, C. ., Caisarina, . I. ., & Munir, . A. . (2024). SUSTAINABLE MOSQUE DESIGN WITH GREEN ARCHITECTURAL APPROACH: A CASE STUDY OF AL-FURQAN MOSQUE IN BANDA ACEH, INDONESIA. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment, 11(1), 109–126. Retrieved from