
  • Maheran Hamzah
  • Gobi Krishna Sinniah
  • Noradila Rusli
  • Nur Hanie Irdina Jamaludin




Mental Health, Urban Density, Relationship, Malaysian Cities


Mental health is the leading cause of mortality, with the number of cases expected to increase by around 10 per cent by 2030 in the global context. In Malaysia, the prevalence of mental health disorders among Malaysian adults 16 years old and older increased by 29.2 per cent in 2015 from 10.7% in 1996. This study explored the relationship between urban density and mental health in five major Malaysian cities: Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Melaka Tengah, Penang, and Ipoh. This study used comparative analysis and correlation analysis to compare several data according to urban density, such as the urban population’s highest density per kilometre square and open space ratio by state. The by the suicide cases by state and five cities area. The results of this study suggested evidence of urban density living with mental health due to factors of environmental overcrowding and the limitation of space. This study showed that the level of urban density could influence the level of mental health among the communities. Suicide cases are related to mental health, implying a connection between the occurrence of suicide cases and the overall state of well-being among individuals. Suicide is a complex and multifaced issue influenced by various factors, including mental health, social, economic, and environmental factors.



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How to Cite

Hamzah, M. ., Sinniah, G. K. ., Rusli, N. ., & Jamaludin, N. H. I. . (2024). EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN URBAN DENSITY AND MENTAL WELL-BEING IN FIVE MAJOR CITIES IN MALAYSIA . Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment, 11(1), 209–228. https://doi.org/10.24191/myse.v11i1.996