How work-related support alleviates turnover intentions in Islamic HRM contexts
Co-worker and Supervisor Support, Employee Turnover Intention, Islamic Human Resources Management (IHRM), Multinational CorporationsAbstract
The objective of the study is to determine whether Islamic Human Resources Management (IHRM) can influence employee turnover intention with the mediation effect of co-worker and supervisor support. Employee turnover intention impacts organizations in many areas such as productivity, staff morale, replacement cost, and many more. Finding the reasons for such behaviour is supreme based on these significant factors. This study adopts a positivist research design with a correlational study approach. Multinational corporations (MNCs) scattered in Malaysia are the main population with a sample size of 277 respondents. Questionnaires are used as the research instrument. Findings disclosed a strong significant relationship between Islamic recruitment and Islamic performance and compensation and employee turnover intention. The co-worker and supervisor support had a strong relationship with employee turnover intention. The co-worker and supervisor support also had a strong, significant mediating relationship between Islamic recruitment, Islamic performance and compensation, and employee turnover intention.
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