Author Guidelines
Manuscript sent to this journal must be original work that has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers should be written in English.
Please also read the Ethics Statement before submitting your manuscript.
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically using JMCS online submission system. Manuscript submitted through other means such as e-mail will not be processed. The manuscripts must be formatted according to the article paper submission template as outlined below.
The manuscript may be up to 9,000 words including abstract, tables, figures, references and main text. Manuscript below these limits is preferable.
Download Journal Article Template (Ms Word)
References listed must follow IEEE formatting guidelines. In IEEE style your reference list should be formatted in the following way:
- Align references left.
- Single-space each entry, double-space between every new entry.
- Place number of entry at left margin, enclose in square brackets.
- Indent text of entries. The number of references should be at least 15.
Equation/Mathematical Sentences
Equations should be numbered consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses on the right-hand edge of the text. The equation should be one line of space above and one line of space below before the text continues. In Word, use the Math function of Word 2007 or 2010, Mathtype or Microsoft Editor to create your equations and make sure super- and subscripts are distinguishable. Within equations, number, punctuation, parentheses, common function names, units or mathematical signs are set upright. The variables are set in italics and vectors are set in bold. Digits are used for all numbers larger than ten. Commas are used to separate thousands and decimal point to separate decimals.
Program Codes
Program listing or program commands in the text are normally set in typewriter font, e.g: CMTT10 or courier new.
Diagrams and illustrations should, as far as possible, be in black and white. If the diagram is to be reduced in size for publication, it must be clear and sharp.
Tables and Figures
The tables and figures should be numbered consecutively. Figures and tables haven't cited in the text should not be presented. Figures and tables should be placed close after their first reference in the text. All figures, tables, formulas, etc. must be within the margin. The tables and figures should be one line of space above and one line of space below before the text continues.
Upon acceptance for publication, authors must assign the copyright of their articles to the Journal.
This journal does not require submission fees, processing fees nor any charges.