Beauty beware : Unmasking the hidden treats of heavy metals in Malaysia cosmetics
Cosmetic product, Heavy metal, Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry, Atomic absorption spectroscopy, Face creamAbstract
Cosmetics have progressed into an essential part of daily routines due to their widespread use, commonly through topical application. However, many cosmetic products contain heavy metals which can accumulate and pose health risks over time. Concerns on product safety including ingredient monitoring have been raised as regular cosmetic use exposes consumers to potentially harmful chemicals. Understanding consumer perceptions is crucial for informed decision-making, yet research on user perception of cosmetics and heavy metal contents in the Malaysian market remains limited. This study focused on assessing heavy metal contents in face cream products from various brands as heavy metals pose a significant concern. The concentration of heavy metals in cosmetic products was analysed by using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The results indicate that 4440 ppm of mercury is present in Brand B, which is particularly alarming. These findings underscore the prevalence of unauthorised local products with higher-than-permissible levels of heavy metals, highlighting the need for stricter monitoring and regulation.
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