Kinetics analysis on isothermal torrefaction of sawdust in a fixed-bed reactor using the Coats-Redfern method and functional group analysis using FTIR spectroscopy
Sawdust, Torrefaction, Kinetics, Coats-RedfernAbstract
In this study, torrefaction of sawdust was performed in a fixed bed reactor at different torrefaction temperature and holding times of 200-300 oC and 20-60 mins respectively under nitrogen atmosphere isothermally. It was determined that the mass yield decreased upon increasing torrefaction temperature from 200 to 300 oC and holding time 20 to 60 mins. This could be contributed by the complete elimination of hemicellulosic fraction and slight removal of cellulosic fractions of sawdust which occur at higher torrefaction temperature of 260-300 oC. The values of kinetics parameters such as activation energy, Ea and pre-exponential factor (LnA) for the torrefaction of sawdust at holding times of 20,40 and 60 mins were evaluated using the Coats-Redfern method. The activation energy for torrefaction of sawdust reduced from 48.2054 to 41.7662 kJ/mol when the holding time for the reaction was increased from 20 to 60 mins. It is determined that the torrefaction of sawdust at 60 mins is more reactive than at 20 mins holding time. FTIR analysis on raw and torrefied sawdust showed the presence of OH hydroxyl group, C-H alkane and C=O from ester or carboxylic acids groups.
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