Mapping the Landscape of Sukuk: A Bibliometric Analysis on Yields, Zakat Integration, and Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Sukuk, Sukuk Yields, Bibliometric, Zakat, Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)Abstract
This paper presents a bibliometric analysis on Zakat in Sukuk investments and the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) in Islamic finance. The study aims to identify the most influential works, authors, and institutions in the field, as well as emerging trends and research directions. The analysis is based on a comprehensive literature review of articles related to Zakat in Sukuk investments and WACC within Islamic finance contexts. Data was collected from the Scopus database, covering publications from the year 2012 to 2023. Specialized software tools like VOSviewer and Harzing Publish or Perish were used to manage and analyze the data. The study employed network visualization, bibliographic coupling, co-citation analysis, author co-occurrence, keyword analysis, and citation metrics to identify patterns and trends in literature. The findings reveal that Zakat in Sukuk investments and WACC are emerging topics in Islamic finance, with a growing body of literature and increasing interest from researchers and practitioners. The study identifies key authors, institutions, and publications that have contributed significantly to the field, as well as important collaborations and partnerships. The study also highlights dominant themes and emerging trends, such as the role of Zakat in promoting social justice and sustainable development, and the importance of WACC in evaluating investment opportunities and managing risks. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the findings for future research directions, policy recommendations, and practical applications in the fields of Zakat in Sukuk investments and WACC within Islamic finance.
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