The Impact of Managerial Appreciation on Laotian Employee Job Satisfaction
Managerial appreciation, Job satisfaction, Laotian employeesAbstract
This purpose of this research study was to examine the relationship between managerial appreciation and job satisfaction among selected full-time salaried employees in Laos. The study investigated how various types of appreciation, including verbal expressions of praise, recognition, and promotion/rewards, were perceived by workers in various for-profit and non-profit organizations. Employees were also asked to suggest practical ways that managers could more effectively express appreciation to subordinates. Utilizing a descriptive quantitative design and a researcher-developed survey questionnaire, data was collected from 180 employees who worked in a variety of service organizations and businesses. The findings showed that all three categories of appreciation were significantly correlated with employee satisfaction at the 0.01 level, with a slightly higher score for promotion/rewards than for expressions of praise or recognition. Multiple regression analysis revealed that managerial appreciation accounted for 68.8% of the variance in overall employee job satisfaction, and employees also reported that they highly valued managerial feedback and suggestions. Tangible benefits of effective appreciation practices included heightened worker motivation and engagement, upbeat workplace environments, enhanced productivity, and lower turnover rates. Affirmation is a cost-effective management strategy, and implementing robust, tailored appreciation programs that meet employees’ emotional needs helps to foster ongoing commitment, productivity, and retention.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Wayne Hamra, Khamkhong Thiphavong, Dr Noah Anburaj Balraj

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