“Run at Most Once”: The Impact of e-Government on the Delivery of Government Services in Zhejiang Province, Peoples Republic of China


  • Wenwen Zheng Executive Secretary, Huangshan University, Peoples Republic of China
  • Olive Chester C. Antonio Faculty, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Cabanatuan City, Philippines
  • Randolf Warren Gregorio T. Mayo II Faculty, Central Luzon State University, Munoz City, Nueva Ecija Philippines
  • Antonio D. Bolivar III Faculty, Aurora State College of Technology Province of Aurora, Philippines
  • Douglas C. Ferrer Faculty, Tarlac State University, Tarlac City, Philippines
  • Arneil G. Gabriel Faculty, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Cabanatuan City, Philippines


e-Government Service, Governance Effectiveness, Public Parcitipation, Service-Oriented Government


Information Technology substantially changed our daily lives. It includes the way citizens engage with the government. After 20 years of development, China's e-government service innovation platform ecosystem has taken a new shape. This study has the principal objective of investigating the impact of e-government on the delivery of government services in Zhejiang, China. It shows that E-government service in Zhejiang province provides conveniences and services to public life. That the use of government platforms for e -delivery services shows a high utilization rate for both ordinary citizens and Information Technology professionals showing a weighted mean score of 2.75 with an adjectival rating of “agree”. It also shows that the use of e-government strengthens information dissemination and promotes citizens’ satisfaction of government services. There are also challenges encountered in the use of electronic government such as lack of qualified technical staff, information security risks, and unequal level of development in the region. Therefore, the paper recommends that standardized training and close monitoring of government networks be done to ensure government data security address and intensify e-government efforts of using electronic means for service delivery. A study may also be done to investigate the use of electronic government at the grassroots level.


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How to Cite

Wenwen Zheng, Olive Chester C. Antonio, Randolf Warren Gregorio T. Mayo II, Antonio D. Bolivar III, Douglas C. Ferrer, & Arneil G. Gabriel. (2024). “Run at Most Once”: The Impact of e-Government on the Delivery of Government Services in Zhejiang Province, Peoples Republic of China . Journal of Administrative Science, 19(2), 66–89. Retrieved from https://journal.uitm.edu.my/ojs/index.php/JAS/article/view/2555