Behavioural Intention to use E-government Services in Malaysia: Extended TAM Model to Examine the Effect of Perceived Security


  • Muhammad Hafiz Hariz Zubir Faculty of Administrative Science & Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka, Jabatan Kawalan Bangunan, Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL)
  • Muhammad Safuan Abdul Latip Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu Kampus Dungun


e-Government, TAM Model, Perceived Security, Intention


Public citizens’ intention is an important factor in determining the successful implementation of e
Government services. Therefore, this study aims to examine potential factors that lead to the intention to use e-Government services in Malaysia. The targeted population of the study are public citizen in Malaysia ages 18 years old above. Data was gathered between April 2022 and August 2022. A total of 336 people were participated in the study. However, only 323 numbers of survey were valid to be used. Thus, a minimum sample size of 180 required by the study are achieved. Smart-PLS was used for hypothesis testing. The result confirmed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use positively influence intention to use e-Government services. Meanwhile, perceived security negatively significant influence intention to use e-Government services. The findings of this study may help researchers better understand the relationships between behavioural intention aspects that should be taken into account in order to provide a basis for future, in-depth research on this topic and assure the success of e-Government services in Malaysia. It could stimulate additional research into e-Government services, and perhaps this could serve as a source of inspiration for future studies in response to the change toward developing e-Government websites and apps as well as other technology that is in line with IR. 4.0.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Hafiz Hariz Zubir, & Muhammad Safuan Abdul Latip. (2024). Behavioural Intention to use E-government Services in Malaysia: Extended TAM Model to Examine the Effect of Perceived Security . Journal of Administrative Science, 19(2), 119–139. Retrieved from