Mediating Effect of Employee Commitment on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance: A Study of Listed Food and Beverages Companies in Nigeria
Emotional Intelligence, Employee Performance, Employee Commitment, Nigeria, Food, Beverage CompaniesAbstract
The study examined the mediating effect of employee commitment on the link between emotional intelligence and employee performance in the food and beverage industry in Nigeria. The main objective of the study is to assess the mediating role of employee commitment on the relationship between emotional intelligence and employee performance. The study adopted social cognitive theory as the theoretical framework for the study. The study adopted a survey research design and a questionnaire was used as an instrument of data collection. The respondents for the study were selected randomly from the listed food and beverage industry in Nigeria. The sample respondents were given a self-administered questionnaire. The study employed Structural Equation Modelling on SMART PLS3 as data analytical technique. The findings of the study revealed that employee performance is significantly and positively impacted by emotional intelligence. The findings also showed a positive and significant relationship between employee commitment and performance. The study discovered that the link between emotional intelligence and worker performance is mediated by employee commitment. The study recommended that the food and beverages industry should intensify skill training to help in developing the mental abilities of individual employees. Therefore, employees should be encouraged to develop their social skills which would lead to their greater acceptance among their colleagues and subordinates thereby enhancing the work process and leading to success in the organization.
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