An Overview of Factors Influencing Residents’ Support for Sustainable Tourism Development
Sustainable Tourism Development; Community Attachment; Community Involvement; Perceived Local Economic Condition; Trust in Local Governments; World Heritage Sites.Abstract
This paper examines the critical role of residents’ support in sustainable tourism development, highlighting a significant gap in the existing literature regarding the conceptualization of "support." Current studies often treat support as a single-dimensional construct, primarily focusing on direct correlations with perceived benefits while neglecting the diverse ways residents express this support. Additionally, the literature underexplores moderating factors, connections to specific local policies, and the evolution of support over time. Employing qualitative research methods, specifically a document analysis approach, this study investigates the influence of community involvement, attachment, perceived economic conditions, and trust in government institutions on sustainable tourism initiatives. By systematically reviewing existing documents, including policy papers and management plans, the research uncovers key themes and strategies that affect residents’ support. The interplay between these factors and residents' knowledge levels is crucial for understanding their engagement with sustainable tourism. Community involvement fosters ownership and pride, while perceived economic benefits enhance support, underscoring the need for economic viability. Trust in government institutions ensures residents feel confident in the fair management of tourism resources. Ultimately, this paper offers valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners seeking to cultivate resident support through targeted education and engagement strategies that align community interests with sustainable tourism goals for balanced development.
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