Resistance to Change and Counterproductive Work Behaviour in the Nigerian Banking Sector
Resistance to change, Counterproductive work behavior, Change initiativesAbstract
Change management is becoming a crucial component of how well organizations function globally. There is currently a dearth of research on organizational change management that examines the relationship between resistance to change and aberrant work behaviour in the Nigerian banking sector. This study therefore examined the effect of resistance to change on counterproductive work behaviour in the Nigerian banking sector. This study used a cross-sectional study design and a simple random sample technique to gather data from seventy-seven employees of selected banks in Abraka, Delta State. Out of the 70 copies distributed, fifty-seven (57) copies of the questionnaire were recovered, resulting in an 81.4% response rate. Of the fifty-seven (57) respondents in total, 25 were male employees and 32 were female employees of the selected banks. Correlation, linear regression analysis, and t-test were used to analyze the study's data. This study demonstrated a strong and significant correlation between resistance to change and counterproductive work practices in the Nigerian banking sector. As anticipated, this study also showed that counterproductive work behaviour in the Nigerian banking sector was statistically and significantly impacted by employees' resistance to change. The study concluded that employees' resistance to change is one of the main triggers of counterproductive behaviour at work. This implies that understanding counterproductive work behaviours is essential to comprehending why staff members resist change, act in retaliation against their employer or other staff members in the same organization. In order to prevent counterproductive work behaviour or lessen negative feelings towards the organizational change process, employees need comprehensive knowledge about the nature, procedures, and outcomes of organizational change in order to conquer resistance to change. This study recommended, among other things, that bank managers in Nigeria, and specifically in Abraka, should employ persuasive techniques to win over staff members' support prior to introducing change initiatives in order to improve the likelihood of success. This is due to the fact that in a world where change is constant, change agents are crucial to cultivating adaptable attitudes.
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