The impact of sensory cues and demographic characteristics on consumers' online food shopping behavior
In Malaysia, meal delivery systems have proliferated after the COVID-19 outbreak. There is a growing trend among consumers to transition from purchasing food in-store at restaurants to placing orders online via food applications. Notwithstanding the surge in digital food sales, internet consumers continue to desire the tactile encounter offered by eateries. The transition from dining in restaurants to purchasing food online presents considerable challenges for food companies attempting to comprehend consumer behaviour about online food purchases. Thus, the effect of sensory cues on online food purchases is investigated in this study. Furthermore, this study explores the association between online food consumption and sensory cues, in addition to investigating the relationship between consumer behaviour and demographic variables such as age, gender, income, and employment status. A quantitative survey of 359 online food purchasers from the Klang Valley was undertaken. SPSS was employed to perform an empirical analysis of the correlations that were identified. Analysis using linear regression revealed that sensory cues impact the purchasing decisions of consumers. Additionally, age and wealth were found to have an impact on consumer purchasing behaviour, but gender and employment were found to have a negative influence. The insights derived from these studies have the potential to aid food producers in the formulation of effective marketing strategies that are tailored to individual customer profiles and sensory preferences. As a result, this could enable them to meet the evolving needs of online food consumers.
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