Social Media Usage and Event Attendee’s Satisfaction


  • Nurakmal Ramli Department of International Business and Management, Faculty of Business and Management University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
  • Ayu Rohaidah Ghazali Department of International Business and Management, Faculty of Business and Management University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
  • Nur Syafiqah Zainal Department of International Business and Management, Faculty of Business and Management University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
  • Norhidayah Mohd Rashid Department of International Business and Management, Faculty of Business and Management University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia


Social Media, Event Satisfaction, Attitude, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms


The event industry has rapidly adopted social media as a key marketing tool, leveraging platforms with millions of users. Social media has become a crucial tool in event marketing and holds the power to greatly influence the decision-making processes of event attendees.  The study's objectives include examining the relationships between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and attendees' satisfaction concerning the use of social media. Data was collected through a descriptive survey methodology, with respondents consisting of undergraduate students in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Selangor, Puncak Alam Campus. The study findings revealed significant relationships between these variables and attendee satisfaction, underlining the importance of social media in enhancing event experiences. The majority of respondents learned about events through Instagram, emphasizing the platform's prominence in event promotion. This research suggests that event organizers should leverage social media to improve attendee satisfaction and engage with their audience effectively. Future research can explore the impact of emerging platforms like TikTok and extend the study to different age groups to provide broader insights into social media's role in event satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Ramli, N. ., Ghazali, A. R. ., Zainal, N. S. ., & Mohd Rashid, N. . (2023). Social Media Usage and Event Attendee’s Satisfaction. Advances in Business Research International Journal, 9(3), 53–61. Retrieved from

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