Exploring The Influence of Mediating Factors of Flexible Schedule, Job Satisfaction, and Work-Life Balance on Employee Performance In Hybrid Working Arrangements (HWAs): A Quantitative Research of Information Technology (IT) Organization in Klang Valley
hybrid work arrangements, flexible schedule, job satisfaction, work-life balance, employee performanceAbstract
This study explores the impact of hybrid work structures on employee performance, focusing on mediating factors such as flexible schedules, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. Utilizing quantitative research methodology, the research targets information technology (IT) organization personnel who are experienced or likely to engage in hybrid work arrangements. The IT sector's early adoption of hybrid work models provides an ideal context, offering valuable insights for organizations and individuals in this technology-driven field. The study employs a non-probability and purposive sampling strategy, selecting IT employees in non-managerial positions who have experienced hybrid work arrangements and possess the necessary tools. A comprehensive survey instrument will be used to collect quantitative data, which will be rigorously analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS). The research aims to assess the effects of flexible schedules, job satisfaction, and work-life balance on employee performance within IT organizations. By quantifying these relationships and identifying key performance drivers, the study seeks to provide practical insights. These insights will empower both organizations and employees to optimize hybrid work models. The findings will help delineate how various elements of hybrid work contribute to employee productivity, satisfaction, and overall performance. This research promises to deliver pertinent findings that can enhance our understanding of how hybrid work environments influence various aspects of employee performance in the IT sector, potentially guiding future policies and practices in this evolving landscape.
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