The Exploration of Metadiscourse Markers in The National University Debating Championship (NUDC) and Its Pedagogical Implications


  • Ike Susanti Effendi Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia
  • Ribut Wahyudi Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia



metadiscourse markers, spoken discourse, debate competition


This study attempts to scrutinize metadiscourse markers in the debate competition to see to what extent and how metadiscourse markers are constructed in this genre. The researchers analyzed the Novice Grandfinals of the National University Debating Championship (NUDC) 2021 using Ilie's (2003) metadiscourse in parliamentary debates as the primary theoretical framework due to its relevance and Hyland's (2005) metadiscourse markers as the complementary theory to identify the frequency and persuasive function of interactional and interactive metadiscourse devices used. The findings revealed that debaters used all types of Ilie's (2003) and Hyland's (2005) metadiscourse models and also utilized all kinds of metadiscourse markers to represent themselves as a part of the parliamentary members who must deliver arguments logically and critically.



How to Cite

Ike Susanti Effendi, & Ribut Wahyudi. (2024). The Exploration of Metadiscourse Markers in The National University Debating Championship (NUDC) and Its Pedagogical Implications . Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching, 11(2).