Journal Template
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International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) Manuscript Guidelines
1. Paper Length: 10–18 pages
2. Title of Research
Maximum 2 lines only
Font: Times New Roman, Title Case, Bold, 20pt, Centered
Spacing: 10pt before and after
3. Author Information
Full Name: Times New Roman, Bold, 10pt, Centered
Affiliation: Times New Roman, Italic, 10pt, Centered
Corresponding Author: Indicate with an asterisk (*)
Email: Times New Roman, Italic, 10pt, Centered
Spacing: 10pt before and after each author
4. Submission Dates
Received Date: Leave blank
Accepted Date: Leave blank
Available Online: Leave blank
Spacing: 10pt before and after
5. Abstract
Heading: Times New Roman, Bold, Uppercase, 12pt, Centered
Content: 200–300 words, Times New Roman, 11pt, Justified
Spacing: 11pt before and after
6. Keywords
Maximum 5 keywords, separated by commas
Font: Times New Roman, Italic, 11pt
Spacing: 11pt before and after
7. Section Headings
Font: Times New Roman, Bold, Uppercase, 12pt, Left-Aligned
Spacing: 11pt before and after
8. Subheadings
Font: Times New Roman, Bold, 11pt, Left-Aligned
Spacing: 11pt before and after
9. Figures and Tables
Labeling: Use sequential numbering (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1)
Captions: Times New Roman, Bold, 11pt, Centered
Sources (if applicable): Times New Roman, Italic, 11pt, Centered
Image Quality: Ensure high resolution
Citation: Proper referencing for all figures and tables
Spacing: 11pt before and after
10. Formatting Guidelines
Body Text: Times New Roman, 11pt, Justified
Line Spacing: Single
Paragraph Spacing: 11pt before and after
11. Citation and References
Minimum 10 (Nos) references
Follow APA 7th style
Ensure proper citations for all sources used