About the Journal

The International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) (e-ISSN: 2710-5776) is a peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing scholarship in the domains of Creative Arts, Visual Communication, Design Technology, and Humanities. With biannual publication cycles (January - June & July - December), IJAD provides a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research articles that explore both theoretical advancements and practical applications within the realm of art and design.

IJAD serves as a nexus for researchers, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange across diverse disciplinary boundaries. We welcome original research papers and state-of-the-art reviews that contribute to the evolving discourse in art and design.

Furthermore, IJAD endeavors to promote a culture of scholarly writing and publication among academics, both within and beyond the Universiti Teknologi MARA community. By encouraging active engagement with the research process, we seek to elevate the visibility and impact of scholarly work in the field.

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