Operational Management Practices in Kuala Lumpur Private Galleries


  • Iman Zulaikha Ahmad Razlan College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Wahiza Abdul Wahid* Corresponding author | College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.




Operational, Galleries, Facilities, Infrastructure, Organization


Management stands as one of the most crucial professions in the annals of human history. People established organisations to attain objectives that were unattainable through individual efforts alone. To ensure the harmonisation of individual actions, management has emerged as a fundamental necessity. Within this context, operational management constitutes a component of a system responsible for organising and overseeing various production processes, as well as adapting corporate procedures to generate goods or services. The origins of operational management can be traced back to the early 20th century when Frederick W. Taylor introduced the principles of scientific management. Taylor's pioneering work laid the groundwork for contemporary operational management practices. This article delves into the strategies of operational management employed by private art galleries in Malaysia, with a particular focus on their role in safeguarding and promoting visual artefacts. The main aim is to analyse the operational management practices used within two galleries in Kuala Lumpur to preserve the necessary level of quality and artistic freedom with one objective which is to identify the facilities and infrastructure of a private gallery exhibit. The findings of this study suggest that it could serve as a definitive guide for galleries, furnishing institutions with a manual or set of instructions that will benefit not only the visitors but also the artworks on display. The aspiration is that this research could make a meaningful contribution to the enhancement of operational management practices in private galleries located in Kuala Lumpur.



20.01.2024 — Updated on 20.01.2024


