A Crystallographic Study of Bis[S-benzyl-5-bromo-2-oxoindolin-3-ylidenemethanehydrazonthioate] Disulfide Solvated with Dimethylsulfoxide


  • Mohd Abdul Fatah Abdul Manan
  • M. Ibrahim M. Tahir
  • Karen A. Crouse
  • Fiona N.-F. How
  • David J. Watkin




Dithiocarbozate, 5-bromoisatin, dimethylsulfoxide, disordered disulfide


The crystal structure of the title compound has been determined. The compound crystallized in the triclinic space group P -1, Z = 2, V = 1839 .42( 18) A3 and unit cell parameters a= 11. 0460( 6) A, b = 13 .3180(7) A, c=13. 7321 (8) A, a = 80.659(3 )0, b = 69 .800(3 )0 and g = 77 .007 (2)0 with one disordered dimethylsulfoxide solvent molecule with the sulfur and oxygen atoms are distributed over two sites; S101/S102 [site occupancy factors: 0.6035/0.3965] and 0130/0131 [site occupancy factor 0.3965/0.6035]. The C22-S2 l and C 19-S20 bond distances of 1. 779(7) A and 1. 788(8) A indicate that both of the molecules are connected by the disulfide bond [S20-S21 2.055(2) A] in its thiol form. The crystal structure reveals that both of the 5-bromoisatin moieties are trans with respect to the [S21-S20 and CI 9-Nl 8] and [S20-S21 and C22-N23] bonds whereas the benzyl group from the dithiocarbazate are in the cis configuration with respect to [S21-S20 and C19-S44] and [S20-S21 and C22-S36] bonds. The crystal structure is further stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds of N9-H35···O16 formed between the two molecules and N28-H281 ···O130, N28-H281 ···O131 and C4 l-H4 l l ···O 131 with the solvent molecule.




How to Cite

Abdul Manan, M. A. F. ., M. Tahir, M. I. ., Crouse, K. A. ., How, F. N.-F. ., & Watkin, D. J. . (2012). A Crystallographic Study of Bis[S-benzyl-5-bromo-2-oxoindolin-3-ylidenemethanehydrazonthioate] Disulfide Solvated with Dimethylsulfoxide. Scientific Research Journal, 9(2), 87–100. https://doi.org/10.24191/srj.v9i2.9410