Flooding Resiliency of Surigao del Sur, Caraga Region, Philippines Residences Through Rainwater Catchment and Storage System


  • Anastacio G. Pantaleon, Jr North Eastern Mindanao State University – Bislig Campus, Philippines
  • Franco G. Pantaleon North Eastern Mindanao State University – Bislig Campus, Philippines
  • Jun Rey S. Lincuna North Eastern Mindanao State University – Bislig Campus, Philippines
  • Leo Ian D. Jovero North Eastern Mindanao State University – Bislig Campus, Philippines




Rainwater storage size, flooding resiliency, rainwater catchment, optimum, disaster risk reduction, simulation


Urbanised areas in Northeastern Mindanao have a problem of addressing flooding occurrences. This study primarily aimed to provide insights into how the rainwater catchment system of uptown communities and their cooperation could increase flood resiliency of downtown communities in the Surigao del Sur, Caraga Region, Philippines. This research employed quantitative analysis of the eleven (11) year (2010-2020) data from the Philippine  Atmospheric,  Geophysical,  and  Astronomical  Services Administration - Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur station. The recommendable optimum rainwater storage capacities for a given number of household occupants, roof areas at run-off efficiency of 90%, and three (3) day rainfall characteristics at 36.9% averaged probability of exceedance were initially determined. Through scenario analysis, uptown communities emptying their rainwater storages before heavy downpour occurs could provide sufficient flood volume reduction and buffer time for downtown communities to prepare. The output of this research is vital in the environmental planning, management, and policies of cities and regions.


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01-07-2024 — Updated on 06-08-2024


How to Cite

Pantaleon, Jr, A. G., Pantaleon, F. G., Lincuna, J. R. S., & Jovero , L. I. D. . (2024). Flooding Resiliency of Surigao del Sur, Caraga Region, Philippines Residences Through Rainwater Catchment and Storage System. Built Environment Journal, 21(2), 27–54. https://doi.org/10.24191/bej.v21i2.479 (Original work published July 1, 2024)