About the Journal

The Journal of Administrative Science (JAS) (e-ISSN: 2600-9374) is an open-access international refereed journal. Journal of Administrative Science will be accepting research papers in humanities and social sciences . JAS is indexed in MyCite, MyJurnal & Google Scholar.

Important Notice!

The journal is currently migrating from official website of Journal of Administrative Science (JAS) server to UiTM's server. Please submit your new or revised submission by using this website.

To view and download JAS articles from our older issues (April 2024 and older), please click HERE.

Call for Papers!
Journal of Administrative Science  |  eISSN 2600-9374

April Publication
Last Date of Paper Submission: 31 January 2024
Last Date of Paper Acceptance: 16 February 2024
Date of Publication: 31 April 2024

October Publication
Last Date of Paper Submission: 31 July 2024
Last Date of Paper Acceptance: 16 August 2024
Date of Publication: 31 October 2024