Guide for Authors

Article must be written in English.

1. Author Information File:

• The title of the article.

• The author(s)' names and affiliations.

• Full contact details (including email, postal address and a phone and fax numbers) for the corresponding author.

Confirmation of the word count for the full papers inclusive of tables, figures and references.



2. Article:

• The title of the article.

• A summary or abstract of not more than 150 words.

• 3-6 keywords.

• The article in full, including references.

Please make sure that the file does not contain any information identifying the author(s).


3. Figures and Tables:

• Figures and tables must be embedded in the main article file.

• Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text.

• Submitted papers must be in Word (.doc, .docx) format.


4. Reference:

• Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA).


5. Submission:

• Submitted articles should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

• All our articles are refereed through a double-blind process.

• All articles for this journal must be submitted o JIKM's submission portal.

• There is no publication fee for this journal

• Each submission should include: (1) a title page withe author information and affiliation, (2) a manuscript without author information, in MS Word files.