Does the Effectiveness of Risk Management Committee Mitigate Earnings Management Practices?
Risk management committee, earnings management, corporate governance, NigeriaAbstract
Recently, there has been a lot of debate on the issues of earnings management practices. Most of these arguments have been confirmed by past studies in developed economies, where their regulations and institutional settings of corporate governance varied from those of emerging markets. Accordingly, corporate governance best practice has been considered an effective monitoring mechanism for strengthening the credibility and reliability of financial reporting. This study examines the effectiveness of risk management committee (RMC) attributes in mitigating earnings management (EM) practices in Nigeria. The study used a sample of 365 firm-year observations of listed non-financial companies from 2018 to 2022. Driscoll and Kraay’s fixed effect standard error regression model was used to test the hypotheses. The study finds that RMC size and expertise have a negative effect on both AEM and REM. However, RMC independence is found to negative effect on REM only. Moreover, additional test validates that RMC scores (effectiveness) are significantly associated with lower EM practices. Our results are robust under alternative regression and measurements for endogeneity. The findings provide enormous insight to regulators, policymakers, and investors on the ongoing debate surrounding the effectiveness of the RMC attributes in mitigating EM practices, and the effectiveness of the revised NCCG 2018. Besides, the findings will provide important intuition to shareholders, financial analysts, and academia about the effective role of stand-alone RMC
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Abubakar, A. H., Ado, A. B., Mohamed, M. I., & Mustapha, U. A. (2018). The Effect of Risk Management Committee Attributes and Board Financial Knowledge on the Financial Performance of Listed Banks in Nigeria. 1(5), 7–13.
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Aldhamari, R., Mohamad Nor, M. N., Boudiab, M., & Mas’ud, A. (2020). The impact of political connection and risk committee on corporate financial performance: evidence from financial firms in Malaysia. Corporate Governance (Bingley), 20(7), 1281–1305.
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Abdou, H. A., Ellelly, N. N., Elamer, A. A., Hussainey, K., & Yazdifar, H. (2021). Corporate governance and earnings management nexus: Evidence from the UK and Egypt using neural networks. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(4), 6281–6311.
Abdullah, A., & Ismail, K. N. I. K. (2016). The effectiveness of risk management committee and hedge accounting practices in Malaysia. Information (Japan), 19(7B), 2971–2976.
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Al-Haddad, L., & Whittington, M. (2019). The impact of corporate governance mechanisms on real and accrual earnings management practices: evidence from Jordan. Corporate Governance (Bingley), 19(6), 1167–1186.
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Aldhamari, R., Mohamad Nor, M. N., Boudiab, M., & Mas’ud, A. (2020). The impact of political connection and risk committee on corporate financial performance: evidence from financial firms in Malaysia. Corporate Governance (Bingley), 20(7), 1281–1305.
Alexander, D. (2010). Corporate governance and earnings management: going beyond agency theory and secondary data. International Journal of Corporate Governance, 2(1), 31.
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Alhadab, M., Clacher, I., & Keasey, K. (2015). Real and accrual earnings management and IPO failure risk. Accounting and Business Research, 45(1), 55–92.
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Bajra, U., & Čadež, S. (2018). Audit committees and financial reporting quality: The 8th EU Company Law Directive perspective. Economic Systems, 42(1), 151–163.
Bansal, M. (2021). Board independence and earnings management: influence of family business generation. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 15(5), 748–768.
Bédard, J., Chtourou, S. M., & Courteau, L. (2004). The effect of audit committee expertise, independence, and activity on aggressive earnings management. Auditing, 23(2), 13–35.
Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship
e-ISSN :2550-1429 Volume 9, (1) June 2024
Bhuiyan, M. B. U., Salma, U., Roudaki, J., & Tavite, S. (2020). Financial reporting quality, audit fees and risk committees. Asian Review of Accounting, 28(3), 423–444.
Bin-Ghanem, H., & Ariff, A. M. (2016). The effect of board of directors and audit committee effectiveness on internet financial reporting Evidence from gulf co-operation council countries. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 6(4), 429–448.
Boachie, C., & Mensah, E. (2022). The effect of earnings management on firm performance: The moderating role of corporate governance quality. International Review of Financial Analysis, 83(January), 102270.
Boudiab, M., Mehiaddine, S., & Abderrahmane, Y. (2021). The Impact of Risk Management Committee Characteristics on Corporate Voluntary Disclosure in Malaysia. International Journal of Intellectual Human Resource Management (IJIHRM), 02(02), 53–59.
Boyd, B. (1990). Corporate Linkages and Organizational Environment : A Test of the Resource Dependence Model. Strategic Management Journal, 11(6), 419–430.
Braam, G., Nandy, M., Weitzel, U., & Lodh, S. (2015a). Accrual-based and real earnings management and political connections. International Journal of Accounting, 50(2), 111–141.
Braam, G., Nandy, M., Weitzel, U., & Lodh, S. (2015b). Accrual-based and real earnings management and political connections. International Journal of Accounting, 50(2), 111–141.
Bzeouich, B., Lakhal, F., & Dammak, N. (2019). Earnings management and corporate investment efficiency: does the board of directors matter? Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 17(4), 650–670.
Chi, W., Lisic, L. L., & Pevzner, M. (2011). Is enhanced audit quality associated with greater real earnings management? Accounting Horizons, 25(2), 315–335.
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Eng, L. L., Fang, H., Tian, X., Yu, T. R., & Zhang, H. (2019). Financial crisis and real earnings management in family firms: A comparison between China and the United States. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 59, 184–201.
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Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship
e-ISSN :2550-1429 Volume 9, (1) June 2024
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