Call for Reviewers

The Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship (JIBE) is always looking for reviewers to support the process of presenting leading-edge thinking and research on business, economics, and entrepreneurship topics. As a journal driven by the involvement and contributions of the global author community, those submitting and those reviewing play equally important roles.

Comments should be as complete and detailed as possible and contain clear opinions about strengths, weaknesses, relevance, and importance to the field. Reviewers should consider themselves as mentors to the author(s) comments should be specific and constructive and suggestions should be intended to enhance the manuscript.

To ensure that the manuscripts published meet the highest standards, each manuscript under consideration is sent to at least two qualified reviewers with expertise in the subject. Reviewers assess the article on criteria such as significance to the field, quality of research, and quality of writing, and then make one of three recommendations: accept the article, return it to the author(s) for revision, or reject it.

You can review our full Peer Review Policy here.

Professional Requirements for Interested Individuals:

  • Provide a list of areas of expertise/focus that will help assign appropriate articles for review;
  • Provide a brief statement outlining previous peer review/editing experience.

Reviewer Commitments

  • Agree to return manuscripts on time, i.e. typically within a 14-day timeframe;
  • Agree not to distribute manuscripts under review or to disclose information within the manuscript;
  • Agree to review the first revision of a manuscript for which he/she provided the initial review;
  • Agree to be released as a reviewer after 3 refusals or failures to review, or 4 late reviews.

If you are interested in being a reviewer, please complete the online form here.

Thank you for your interest in supporting JIBE