ICT and Entrepreneurial Orientation as Drivers of SME Performance: Insights from Padang Pariaman Regency, Indonesia
Entrepreneurship Orientation, ICT, SMEs PerformanceAbstract
This study aims to empirically examine the impact of the implementation of information communication and technology (ICT) and entrepreneurship orientation on the performance of SMEs in Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra province of Indonesia. This research uses purposive sampling with a sample of 100 SMEs registered at the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs, Padang Pariaman Regency. The data collection method used in this study was a survey. Questionnaires were distributed by visiting SMEs to their place of business directly. The results empirically prove that ICT and entrepreneurship orientation have a significant effect on the performance of SMEs. This research only uses two independent variables, so it needs additional mediating or moderating variables, such as innovation and learning orientation. Likewise, the respondents of this study were only SMEs in Padang Pariaman Regency with various types of businesses. It is suggested that further research expands research objects such as the provincial level with one SME business. The implementation of ICT can provide benefits for the performance of SMEs in developing businesses and also to be globally competitive. Likewise, entrepreneurship orientation has a significant relationship with improving the performance and level of competitiveness of SMEs.
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