Leadership, Teamwork and Person-Organization Fit as Determinants of Job Satisfaction: A Case Survey among Public Sector Employees
Leadership, Teamwork, Person-Organization Fit, Job SatisfactionAbstract
Employee and job satisfaction has been major research in management studies throughout the world. It is the main concern for organizations to measure the performance of individuals by how they carry out their responsibilities in a manner that contributes to the achievement of the organization's goals and creates satisfaction feeling in their work. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between leadership, teamwork and person-organization fit on job satisfaction. Employees at Department of Statistics Malaysia were taken as the respondents in this study. Self-administered questionnaire used for collection of data. 80 questionnaires were distributed among above mentioned organization and 80 responds were return, so the response rate was 100%. The result concludes that there is significant relationship between the leadership and teamwork with job satisfaction meanwhile person-organization fit is not significant. Several recommendations were put forth in this study for the organization in promoting job satisfaction as well as recommendations for future research.
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