Bibliometric Analysis of Islamic Banking Publication in the Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Era
Bibliometric, Covid 19, Islamic Banking, Scopus, VOSviewerAbstract
The deconstruction strives to accomplish thorough Islamic banking and covid19 with a bibliometric analysis. The model consisted of 200 papers issued in 2020-2023 using the Scopus database with keywords: Islamic banking in the Covid-19 pandemic era. This analysiused VOSviewer software and publish or parish to deliver a visual investigation of bibliometric data and visualization of analysis effects. The first article published during the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 was the Journal of Islamic Marketing written by D. Suhartanto from Indonesia. The publications in 2020 contained 97 data detected by publish and parish, while in 2023 there were 103 data. The decrease in the number of published journal articles from 2020 to 2023 is related to Islamic banking not too significant a decrease, only 3 journal articles differ. This research delivers up-to-date papers on the current condition of Islamic banking in the world; as a consequence, it supports the development of guidelines by the Islamic banking perseverance. The finding of the study also functions as a connection issue for Islamic banking activity and academic associations. In addition, it furthermore does not stop the researchers’ discretion to resume studying Islamic banking during the Covid 19 pandemic and behind it evolves endemic. Through bibliometric analysis, the new topic of the Covid 19 pandemic in the field of Islamic banking can efficiently review several studies and offer a systematic and transparent review of the literature. Islamic banking is an emerging financial specialisation; as such, there is a necessity for a more global interpretation of this banking strategy.
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